Jackson County Parks + Rec
June, 2020
Dear Special Population Services Family and Friends,
Jackson County has reopened to the public in a limited capacity. In an effort to help mitigate the spread of the COVID-19 virus, our program participation will be limited. Anyone wishing to contact Special Population Services is encouraged to do so by phone or email.
If you have question, please feel free to contact: Terri Jones McMillan, 816-503-4853, tmcmillan@jacksongov.org
The mission of Jackson County Parks + Rec’s Special Population Services is to provide professional, multi-recreational services enabling the developmentally disabled of Jackson County to achieve independence, self-fulfillment and physical fitness through athletic and social events.
Therapeutic Recreational Programming
Sports Programs provide participants with opportunities to develop physical fitness skills, good sportsmanship and team camaraderie. They also encourage friendships with families, members of other leagues and people within the community. Various sports leagues are offered year-round for interested persons eight years of age and older. All disabilities are encouraged to participate. Individual and team competitive opportunities are available. Athletes can demonstrate skills and abilities in local, regional, state and international competitions. Their programs offers training on a competitive level in a variety of event areas.
Outreach offers diverse therapeutic programming opportunities for individuals of Jackson County with intellectual and physical disabilities including Dances, On the Town Club and Specialized Classes (arts and crafts, gardening, scrapbooking)
Sports Programs
- Aquatics
- Athletics
- Basketball
- Boccia/Bocce
- Bowling
- Equestrian
- Flag Football
- Floor Hockey
- Horseshoes
- Powerlifting
- Skiing-Alpine/Cross Country
- Snowshoeing
- Softball
- Tennis
- Walking
- Weight Training
- Wheelchair Slalom
Track & Field Skills Day
The Skills Day will be held on Saturday, March 13, 2021, at Center Elementary, located at 8401 Euclid Avenue, Kansas City, MO. Skills will begin at 9:00 AM and end at 1:00 PM. Participants are free to leave once their event times and distances are recorded. In case of inclement weather, on March 13th, please call my office phone number 816-503-4898 or cell 816-918-7691. I will let you know if the Track & Field Skills Day will be rescheduled.